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Freocast community radio creates a ‘third place’

Broadcasting from a shipping container studio in South Fremantle in the city of Perth, Western Australia, independent not-for-profit community radio station Freocast shares music and storytelling by local voices. A passion project for Fremantle architect and long-serving community radio broadcaster Nick Juniper, the online station is supported by volunteers and local partners to broadcast a range of community-based shows and DJ mixes, and hosts events onsite. Juniper says the station creates a connective space: “Fremantle has a very strong, engaged and passionate community, and I created Freocast as a way of providing an opportunity for a wide variety of voices and opinions to have a chance to broadcast,” he told StreetChat. “We also felt strongly about creating a physical space where the community could come together, connect, listen to music …

  • 14 dec 2023
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Trend Watch December 2023

Plant diversity in urban green spaces led to sevenfold increase in insect species New research suggests that the introduction of even small green urban spaces can dramatically improve local biodiversity. A study lead by Dr Luis Mata of the University of Melbourne and Cesar Australia examined the ecological outcomes of planting 12 indigenous plant species on a small 195 square metre plot in Melbourne, adjacent to a major road. The research, Mata told The Guardian, “Was conducted in a very densely urbanised area, completely surrounded by streets and relatively tall buildings, and with limited access to surrounding green space.” The researchers identified the presence of 94 insect species, with 91 indigenous to the Australian state of Victoria. They estimated that by the final year of the study there were about …

  • 14 dec 2023
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Trend Watch, November 2023

Playful expectations Children learn and grow with play, especially outdoors, though research shows that children are now only spending two hours or less outside – 36% less than previous generations. Hayball associate and Landscape Australia writer Natalia Krysiak returns from her travels in Tokyo feeling inspired with ideas of how to create cities that support the wellbeing of children and encourage outdoor play. Krysiak describes the excitement of active children in the densest city in the world, Tokyo. She says, “Scattered among the trees are a mud kitchen, a zip-line, a secret tree house and makeshift cubbies used by children of all ages and abilities: the type of play that childhood dreams are made of.” Tokyo offers 80 playparks like this connecting children to unstructured nature-based play and Krysiak sees …

  • 21 nov 2023
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